Mechanical planting
Machine planting for flower bulbs

Our special planting machine makes it possible to plant large quantities of flower bulbs in the ground. Examples of places where we can use our planting machine are; a lawn in the park, along the road in the verge or on a roundabout, on the lawn of a private person/company, etc. The machine makes the process less labour-intensive, with 2 to 3 people the work can be done, which saves considerable money on the labor costs.
The planting machine is a combination of a small tractor with behind it the machine that carries out the process from A to Z. On top of the machine is a container in which the flower bulbs are placed. At the bottom of the machine are rotating blades, which resemble pizza cutters. When the tractor is moving, these blades will cut through the grass. After the grass has been cut open, it is folded open by the plows.
When the ground is folded open, the bulbs fall into the ground via conveyor belts that are located under the container they are in. Finally, the ground will be folded back and pressed down by rubber tires, a kind of roller, which are located at the back under the machine.
There will be 1 person who controls the tractor and the planter and 1 person will follow the planter to check whether the machine is doing its job properly.